Tuesday 29 April 2014

Planning for Range Plans

After the first design meeting back at the summer term, we have been given certain aims for Claire, and whilst we are progressing well individually it was mentioned that we need to work more cohesively.

We have decided that we are going to have a focus on embroidering and surface embellishment, however we are still unsure about the silhouettes that we are going to focus on.

Aims for next session: decide on a silhouette for the collection. Finish individual initial range plans and then consult one another to discuss the selected ideas for further development.

The Beginning

Personal  creative directions;

Myeong - contrast of being imprisoned and having a release. Juxtaposition between fitted and loose. 

As a group we felt Myeong had a lovely silhouette image and should all look at it to help the group come together with a cohesive collection. (Not to copy but to inspire) (see pint rest for photo reference)

Ellie - ‘prisoner of the mind’- linking to the work that Sue Ryder does to help people with lifelong conditions. Embellishment. Beautiful decay - ruin lust.

Katie - patchwork

Jaz - revealing and concealing

Darbi - 

Wiecha -

Sophie - 

Loving everyones ideas so far. Don’t worry if your not 100% sure that its going to be that direction it can change. But if Darbi, Wiecha and Soph could just send me a message on what app so i can fill in the spaces for them for tomorrows lesson with claire will be fab!!

Group Directions:

As a whole the brief states festive evening wear, but we think we should still design casual agreement as well to get a nice range. We will double check this with claire tomorrow. 

We now have the pintrest boards up and running and be sure to start posting ladies!!! The more there is the richer our group portfolio will be at the end. 

We discussed how we think as the project is about recycling we think it is important to go to a recycling plant. This will then be primary research and also we could maybe collect items and object to inspire Silhouettes. 

We also have the idea to all have something in common to bring us all together to make it look from the same collection: To all have a big focus on embroidery and embellishment. The idea is to all have inanimate objects, wire/mesh; things that have been up cycled and have them done like the sample of shells that I bought in today (see pinterest for photo reference).

Team thoughts 

To set miny deadlines within the group to make sure we are on track and everyone is at the same stage. 

We should treat the team as a family, so if someone feels left behind or like they cant voice there opinions they should know we are a team and we are here to help each other. If you are falling behind please tell us we want to work together help one another to share and develop our work. If you feel like you don't want to tell the whole group something you are more than welcome to come to me personally and i will make sure it is taken care of. 

Attendance: Give notice if you are struggling in order to ensure that the group is on the right track. Also attendance of all meetings is to be recorded. 

To be done:

Concept, consumer, Fabric, Silhouettes boards (pinterest)   *Deadline 24th april 12 lunch time*

Ladies who were unable to attend please ensure to post your work on pintrest and send me a message with your creative directions (explaining your work so far) so that everybody know where everyone is so far. 

Annual weekly meeting at 12 lunch time before claires class to discuss our progress. We can move it but feel this is our prime time to discuss what we want to do. 

Have decided that for all of us to have ample time to complete our garments and stay on schedule that;

****Design work deadline 1st may****

To be able to put together our personal range plans and the start selecting our collection for production of toile’s and final fabrics.