Tuesday 27 May 2014

Range plan final draft in preparation for confirmation by Claire



Reminders for the 8th May

Hi lovelies,

Hope all is well! Good day today! Have some really great fabric choices but were all really quite expensive so I'm sure we can find a cheaper alternative at shepherds bush or dolston fabrics. Look forward to showing them to those who couldn't make it to the shopping trip today. 

Just a note for tomorrow could you please make sure that you have your your garment developments and detailed out line of trimmings(zips button etc…) and finishing(top stitching,open or flat seam etc…) and thought out process of construction and relate it to your up cycled garments from sue Ryder. Could you also bring in your sue Ryder donated garment in to be able to show the sue Ryder people what it is exactly we are up cycling. 

For our presentation I think we should do something along the lines of:

Business proposal - labelling and branding.

An overview of our design and concept and also mention the idea of our accessories.

Them let them get up close and personal with fabric swatches and samples (if we have any lol)
so they get a feel for it. 

So we have quite a bit to do tomorrow but i think it will all turn out great everything is coming together really nicely!! And just wanted to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone for all the effort there putting into this project. I know how stressful its getting and just think 5 weeks till we finish and we all can go out for a big big big drinky haha. 

So please bring everything you have got for the project so far so that we have all the recourses we need for our presentation. And ill see you all tomorrow nice and early for 10:30, don't go to bed too late!! haha. 

Thursday 22 May 2014

Reminders for work to do before friday 23rd May

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to email a reminder for the work that needs to be done so that I can do the rest of the group portfolio and flat drawings.

Please can you all create new boards on pinterest, one that is titled your name and concept board, and one that is titled your name and development pages. On the concept board one please put 6-8 images and for the development pages there should be 4. 

Ellie could you ‘wetransfer’ me the new copy of the group portfolio and then I’ll screenshot and upload a picture of the existing group concept board pages so you guys can get an idea of the type of images to use. 

Also, anyone who has a design that has changed please can you draw a rough flat for me so that I can create the flat on illustrator for it. Just upload it to your existing board on pinterest and then drop me a text so I know when it’s done. 

Please can you have the pinterest stuff done by tomorrow night latest. If it’s not done I will not be doing the your group portfolio pages for you and you’ll have to do it for yourself later on in the term (without my help). Sorry to sound harsh but I only think it’s fair as I’ve offered and it’s not a lot to ask for you to do.

Also that way you all can have a somewhat relaxing weekend!

Saturday 17 May 2014

Changes to the range plan

Hi all, 

Ok so radical changes have been made we are starting from scratch and there lots of work to be done!!

Haha just kidding, but on a serious note there have been changes and i just need everyones support on them as its vital that these stay in place now for the toile crit. Changes have been made to pretty much every garment and they are up for discussion if you have corresponding designs on paper for me to see on monday morning. If you want to redesign slightly I'm wiling to listen however the decisions that have been made, have been made for a reason; so it'll take lots of convincing for me to agree. 

So as you can see from above we are now meeting on monday morning at 10:30 in curtain road lateness and absence absolutely unacceptable everyone is to be present. If absence does occur then you need to make sure you keep up with the work load ready for tuesday, no excuses i do not want to here it. 

Monday we are all to complete all patterns ready for cutting and sewing tuesday morn. Jasmine is kindly reproducing all of our flats with the correct amendments to them and is posting them to pinterest with name of who's garment it is to make on sunday. So this is our first taste of how this industry kills people haha but you have to do it. You need to either work on your patterns when you get home form work or where you have been so that you have utilized all time available. I know its hard, trust me i know, we are all in the same boat and i really really do appreciate all the effort you girls are putting in. 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Meeting with Sue Ryder!!!

Hello ladies, 

What a day!!! You should all be super proud of yourselves we all worked super hard today. We actually achieved so much!! Jasmine the range plan was so well executed and Darbi writing all our notes on there they looked really professional thank you ladies. Sophie and Katie the branding went down an absolute treat (apart from our (un)shackled haha), so thank you for those. And all round brilliant effort from every one so thanks to all!

Now on to what was discussed today;

Design more coherent
we need a more coherent and precise trend through our collection. The three main points claire focussed in on and pointed out were;

I think this is a good starting point but we can discuss it further for a more in-depth view of what works well and looks good for us. 

no more un shackled 

More up cycling 
Although they loved our designs we really need to incorporate and think more about the up cycling method and doing as claire suggested something we can get a lot of and applying it as a coherent trend through out our collection. 
Points made

Using the ties as labels instead of using fabric we have attained

Lets make our blog the best and the most interactive we possibly can. This is all about making SUE RYDERS profile bigger and getting them out there so lets see if we as a group can get everyone we know on Facebook talking about it… and see if we can raise our own profile in by doing so as well. I think they are marking our work so so if we can really get to understanding what they want we will be able to hopefully get the full amount of marks. 

Silhouette board 
We have the stuff on pintrest so lets make another board on what we have in there already. 

Tuesday  13th may is the next group meeting lets make it 11o’clock so everyone gets a bit of a lay in and we can do two ours of work before lunch. 

For this meeting you need to have prepared 2 developments of designs from each design on the range plan. You must also upload more pictures onto pintrest!! this you really must do. And you also need to bring in your sue ryder donated garments. Finally take a look at the wgsn website trends and key items for 14/15 a/w. the link is bellow if you have any problems call me or another team member or ask some one on the whatsapp group. 

So thanks again ladies for such a good day has been such a good team effort!! Dont forget anything next tuesday (designs and donated garments) and every one has had plenty of notice so you better be there!! haha make sure you do look at wgsn, and put the research in your personal portfolio. Have a good weekend ladies, dont work to hard and ill see you all on Tuesday 13th 11o’clock!! 

Friday 2 May 2014

Group Meeting #2

Hey lovelies!! 

What a good day! Thank you girlies for all making the effort to get here so early today, has been a very productive day! But we have now got quite a bit to do this week, we really are going to get in claire good books haha. So in this email we have got all the notes from todays meeting and all the things we need to get done for tuesday 6th of mays meeting Curtain road. Please note it in your diaries those who couldn't make it today. I would just also like to say for the group a big thank you for letting us know you were not going to make it today Darbi really appreciated it. 

We now have started our group portfolio!! Woohoo its looking good and we now have a consumer, concept, colour and trend board. We also now have the a logo which is the start of our branding. Its looking great. You can find these on Pinterest. 

Please please Please can we get all of your work put up onto pinterest this is our focal point and we haven't got enough of everyones work to be able to get an idea of where every one is at. Plus this is where we are getting all of our research from for our group portfolio. By Tuesday we all need all of our research images uploaded, it is vital and inexcusable not to have it up.

Claire was really impressed with our work so far but did reinstate the fact that we are behind the schedule of work. So by tuesday we need: 

DESIGN WORK COMPLETE; Or minimum of your own personal range plan of 20 design and 20 FRONT and BACK flats/ technical drawings. Don't forget when your designing to make sure the front and back match up at the side. Design in 3Din your head as if its a product. 

SAMPLES; 4 samples minimum to support your designs. Try to keep in mind using up cycled “beads” in inanimate objects and also fabrics getting textures onto our sue ryder fabrics. I.E. Foiling (Sophie) that white texture in your design pages (vera) and what ever else you think of. Try to be creative and let loose.                        As an addition to the sample we are very much looking at fabric manipulation and claire noted we do not have to much textural research other that what people have already done so be sure to look at fabric manipulation books (go to Library) and also look at core sources such as corals and nuts which were suggested by claire. But as pointed out by everyone today they do not relate as such to the concept so try and find thing like this but linked in with your research. 

START TO THINK ABOUT FABRICS: We are going fabric shopping for samples on wednesday 7th of may (another date please note). So think about all the textures and weights you were thinking of so that we can come together with a plan of what were gong to look for on Wednesday. 

FINISHES AND TRIMMINGS: Make sure you think about this when designing and make a note of it for you own personal finishing and trimmings boards ready for claire next week. Claire is loving eyelets, buckles and belts with leather to home in on the constraints side of the concept. 

So thats 4 main points that have to be completed by tuesday. If you can not attend this meeting for any reason (if its not a justifiable one then you will receive a strike) you must must upload the work to pintrest 

What we are doing at our meeting on tuesday 6th may:

SELECTING OUR FINAL COLLECTION: It is vital for you to attend this meeting otherwise your work will be selected for you. We will then create flats for those to present to Sue Ryder on thursday as it is a requirement on claires list i sent you a photo of. 

GROUP PORTFOLIO: We will also put together a further 8 (AS A MINIMUM) group design portfolio pages. These will include all of our design development pages for our selected collection, plus a texture board and a trimmings and finishings board.  

Notes from todays Meeting are as follows: 

Our concept is based around Sue Ryders palliative care centres and the work they do, with mental health patients by giving them the best quality of life and relieving them from their everyday life boundaries. We also looked at the work they do with prisoners and how they reinstate them back in to society. Which gave us our concept Constraints and Freedom. 

Our silhouette uses our concept of constraints in terms of suppression and freedom in terms of release. This creates an interesting and meaningful design. For inspiration and a coherent design selection. We are using our silhouette and trend board as inspirational images. 

New rule voted in by everyone: Failure to meet minnie deadline results in a new deadline made failure to meet both then results in a STRIKE. 


Katie (Given Strike1)
Darbi (Valid reason)

So don't forget 4 main points Complete design work and technical drawings, 4 samples Minimum, think about fabrics and don't forget those trimmings and finishings on your designs!!! Please make a note that next Tuesday 6th and wednesday 7th of may you are to be at the group meeting you have plenty of notice lets see if we can get full attendance!!! woohoo!! Have a good weekend and work your little bottoms off ladies haha excited to see what you come up with!!!

Thursday 1 May 2014

Project Sue Ryder

Hello lovely ladies, 

First off I would just like to say a big thank you for supporting me over this past week I have been a little ill but starting to feel slightly better now which is awesome! I know this next week is going to be tough and we all have other commitments and life will be life but we really need to pull together now as i don’t want us to fall to far behind. As i said before if you personally can not make the meetings then just let us know and we will fill you in with what has gone on and our future plans. 

Now as far as this email goes I am discussing what our minnie scheme of work will be to keep us on track;

So far we should have had finished a colour and textile board, a trend and silhouette board, customer board and a group concept board as well as our own individual boards; up until the beginning of this week. Now we must have by tomorrow a range plan for our own portfolio so we can come together and collaborate it into one group collection. 

For me personally i think we are going a little backwards in that we are rushing to have a range plan done before we have even fully decided on the actual silhouette and over all concept and direction. So on thursday when we all meet at 10 in the morning i suggest that we crack those out before we do anything else. 

So as to the mini scheme of work we are going to work on what we need to achieve each week so by next weeks lesson we have to present to sue ryder;

  • Concept board
  • Individual and team sketchbook
  • Design development file
  • Textile samples
  • Customer profile – visual

31st april-5th may
So after Thursdays lesson we should know what garments we are all going to make. Some how i don't think this is not quite going to happen so what I'm going to say is that for our team what we want to achieve by the end of our day is all of our group boards and a rough range plan to show claire plus our fabric samples. 

12th May
The following week beginning the 12 we want to have all want our design development done for the starting of sampling and toiling for our toile critique. 

19th may
Is the toile critique. 

This is where we need to be at this point because after the week beginning the 19 we only have 3 weeks plus our lessons interfere with time but 3 weeks to create 2 garments. 

So if we are all aware of this i think we can do it and we will do it really well. So attendance to all or most meetings is going to be needed and we all need to stick to plan of work!! 

Look forward to see you all lovelies!!