Thursday 8 May 2014

Meeting with Sue Ryder!!!

Hello ladies, 

What a day!!! You should all be super proud of yourselves we all worked super hard today. We actually achieved so much!! Jasmine the range plan was so well executed and Darbi writing all our notes on there they looked really professional thank you ladies. Sophie and Katie the branding went down an absolute treat (apart from our (un)shackled haha), so thank you for those. And all round brilliant effort from every one so thanks to all!

Now on to what was discussed today;

Design more coherent
we need a more coherent and precise trend through our collection. The three main points claire focussed in on and pointed out were;

I think this is a good starting point but we can discuss it further for a more in-depth view of what works well and looks good for us. 

no more un shackled 

More up cycling 
Although they loved our designs we really need to incorporate and think more about the up cycling method and doing as claire suggested something we can get a lot of and applying it as a coherent trend through out our collection. 
Points made

Using the ties as labels instead of using fabric we have attained

Lets make our blog the best and the most interactive we possibly can. This is all about making SUE RYDERS profile bigger and getting them out there so lets see if we as a group can get everyone we know on Facebook talking about it… and see if we can raise our own profile in by doing so as well. I think they are marking our work so so if we can really get to understanding what they want we will be able to hopefully get the full amount of marks. 

Silhouette board 
We have the stuff on pintrest so lets make another board on what we have in there already. 

Tuesday  13th may is the next group meeting lets make it 11o’clock so everyone gets a bit of a lay in and we can do two ours of work before lunch. 

For this meeting you need to have prepared 2 developments of designs from each design on the range plan. You must also upload more pictures onto pintrest!! this you really must do. And you also need to bring in your sue ryder donated garments. Finally take a look at the wgsn website trends and key items for 14/15 a/w. the link is bellow if you have any problems call me or another team member or ask some one on the whatsapp group. 

So thanks again ladies for such a good day has been such a good team effort!! Dont forget anything next tuesday (designs and donated garments) and every one has had plenty of notice so you better be there!! haha make sure you do look at wgsn, and put the research in your personal portfolio. Have a good weekend ladies, dont work to hard and ill see you all on Tuesday 13th 11o’clock!! 

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